
What is a Colonoscopy?

It’s an endoscopic study that allows the doctor to evaluate the totality of gastric mucous or internal lining of the colon (large intestine), by introducing of a thin, flexible tube, with a video camera inside of it and it allows to record and to see images displayed in a monitor, during the study the doctor can take photos from the most important areas and can record his findings.

It’s also vitally important of the possibility in performing curative procedures through the colonoscope as i.e., cauterization of bleeding injuries in the colon, the detection of diverticula, cancer and the cauterization and extraction of polyps.

In order to perform this examination, in the afternoon of the day before the exam, the patient will be given a laxative which is going to totally clean the colon and will allow for a suitable observation. On the day of the examination, the patient will be fasting, a serum is given to him through whom an anesthesiologist will administer short duration sedatives to the patient in order to avoid any pain or discomfort while the examination is underway.

At the end of the colonoscopy, the patient will rest from 15 to 30 minutes in order to eliminate the effect of the sedative and afterwards leaves the hospital on his/her own feet. It’s important to notice that this examination when performed, will not cause later annoyances or discomfort since inside colon sensitivity is non existent.